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Some cities require an inspection by the city in any residential real estate purchase or sale before Closing. The purpose of the re-occupancy inspection is to ensure that the property is in compliance with the current zoning regulations. It provides new buyers with a certificate verifying that no zoning violations exist on the property. In cities that require Re-Occupancy Inspections and Certificates, properties will not close without this inspection and issued certificate. Some cities can talk up to 30 days to complete the process, so Sellers and Listing Agents must ensure to begin the process as soon as possible.

Below is a list of some of the cities that require the certificate, with links to the website as well as the application. This is not an exhaustive list and it is up to the Seller and Listing Agent to investigate the requirements of the city at the time of Contract to ensure the Seller complies with the latest requirements.

City Website Application Link
City of Miami Gardens https://www.miamigardens-fl.g ov/Faq.aspx?QID=118 https://www.miamigardens-fl.go v/DocumentCenter/View/37/Re- occupancy-Certificate-PDF-Upd ated-2017
City of Miami Springs https://www.miamisprings-fl.go v/building/re-occupancy-inspec tion-certificate-application https://www.miamisprings-fl.gov

/sites/default/files/fileattachment s/building/page/19524/re-occupa ncy_certificate_packet.pdf

City of North Miami www.northmiamifl.gov https://www.northmiamifl.gov/D ocumentCenter/View/2096/Reoc cupancy-Application-PDF
City of West Miami www.cityofwestmiamifl.com Re-occupancy inspection is performed when lien search is ordered.
Hialeah https://www.hialeahfl.gov/657/R e-Occupancy-Inspections https://www.hialeahfl.gov/Docu mentCenter/View/7460/Re-Occu pancy-Application-PDF
Village of Biscayne Park www.biscayneparkfl.gov https://www.biscayneparkfl.gov/

?SEC=2DB76783-3866-4A02-9E 6C-ED3B39FD3A60

Village of El Portal www.elportalvillage.com http://elportalvillage.com/wp-co ntent/uploads/2009/12/Certificat eOfReoccupancyApplication.pdf
Village of Miami Shores https://www.miamishoresvillage.com/department/
https://www.miamishoresvillage. com/frontend/assets/img/gallery


Village of
https://virginiagardens-fl.gov/  https://virginiagardens-fl.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/VG-Reoccupancy-Application-SGL-DPX.pdf

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