Haga clic aquí para leer la Lista de documentos corporativos del vendedor requeridos para el cierre
When the Seller in a transaction is a legal entity, below is a list of the corporate documentation required for Closing.
Corporate Documents Required for LLCs
- Articles of Incorporation
- Operating Agreement
- EIN # (Taxpayer ID Number)
- Photo ID of the persons who are authorized to sign on behalf of LLC
- Certificate of Good Standing
Corporate Documents Required for Corporations (“Inc.” or “Corp.”)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Corporate Bylaws
- ID of the Persons Authorized to Sign
Corporate Documents for OffShore Entities
To ensure a timely closing and avoid delays, please provide the following:
- Incumbency certificate dated within the last 30 days
- Certificate of good standing dated within the last 30 days
- Certified copies of the articles of incorporation or corporate charter dated within the last 30 days
- Corporate resolution indicating:
a) Confirming the authority of the person who will be signing documents on behalf of the corporation;
b) The transfer of property is in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida;
c) The corporation is not a debtor in bankruptcy;
d) That the board of directors and shareholders approve the transaction.